Microfinance Pasifika

Cross Sector Collaboration 02

FDC is a founding member of Microfinance Pasifika, an alliance of organisations committed to supporting disadvantaged people in the Pacific to improve their quality of life through providing inclusive and sustainable financial services such as savings, credit, remittances and payment services and insurance. It was established in June 2006 in Port Vila, Vanuatu with the support of FDC after extensive consultations.

MFPN works with FDC to convene events and initiatives, bringing together practitioners and stakeholders to further develop the microfinance sector in the Pacific. It is also a key information hub, disseminating relevant information to assist practitioners and supporters of microfinance operations to increase outreach and improve their performance.

The Pacific Microfinance Week (PMW) has been a key event for information-sharing. Held biennially since 2007, it consistently attracted large numbers of participants from across the Pacific and from all sectors. In 2017, the event was rebadged to Financial Inclusion Innovation Summit (FIIS), signalling the broader understanding emerging in development thinking.

Currently, MPFN membership comprises microfinance institutions, central banks, development banks, financial service providers, NGOs and commercial banks. Countries represented within the membership are Australia, Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tonga and Vanuatu.

More about who we are

Our history

The Foundation for Development Cooperation (FDC) is an independent Australian foundation established in 1990 with a mandate underpinned by the philosophy of self-reliance and the pursuit of opportunities and initiatives that enable institutions and communities to help themselves.

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Our partners

Strategic partnerships are core to FDC’s values. We work in collaboration with our official partners. We also value the contributions of our extensive network of supporters.

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Leadership team

Management of FDC is vested in its Board of Directors and leadership team. The Board comprises eminent persons from Australia/Asia who are active in development cooperation and business.

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