FDC initiatives

FDC advocates for engagement by the Australian community in the development of our region.


Policy leadership

While financial regulation generally aims to protect people with access to the formal banking industry, FDC has consistently placed a high priority on promoting policy and regulatory environments that support development outcomes including access to and use of responsible financial products and services at the grassroots level, including the informal economy.

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Innovation & research

From its inception, FDC has sought to bring fresh thinking and new approaches to reducing poverty and fostering prosperity in the Pacific and Asia.

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Forums & conferences

Encouraging cooperation and cross-sector collaboration is central to FDC’s work. Since 1990 FDC has convened and co-hosted numerous regional forums and events on microfinance, energy, regional cooperation, financing development, financial inclusion, and information and communication technology for development.

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Cross-sector collaboration

FDC was founded on the core belief that a multi-sector collaborative process is the best approach to achieving effective development. That means stakeholders from different sectors bringing together resources and capabilities to identify issues and opportunities and drive sustainable outcomes.

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